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About the Studio

 Solèrte Studio*  is a Naples & the WWW based branding and creative studio founded by  Valeria Miele . A studio that crafts unique brand experience through creative design & strategy for modern lifestyle brands.

Our Team

Hello! I'm Valeria, founder and lead designer behind Solèrte Studio.  Solèrte Studio  born in 2018 in Naples - Italy and from that point, the focus has always been on delivering quality designs.

We are a small creative studio serving clients worldwide, ready to  break the mould  and get you noticed. Our team includes visual designers, content strategists, marketing and photographers.

  • Brand Design
    Brand Design is about creating a look that resonates. You’ll get logos, a color palette, typography, and social graphics, but also increased confidence and clarity in your project. Building a brand on strong design foundations is a fundamental step in developing a successful project that communicates clearly. Brand Design allows you to appear more professionally, creates greater trust in your brand, and helps your brand develop its own personality and style that people will grow to love.
  • Graphic Design
    Graphic design is the art of visual communication through concepts like typography, layout, color, and imagery. Graphic design is a broad term to define different fields of design. Its include digital designs made for social media, presentations, web sites, advertaisments and and any other graphic elements you want.
  • Web Design
    We build beautiful websites with designs that stand out; developed with your goals at the forefront. Our services start with a Strategy + Site Architecture Workshop, where we outline what you need the site to accomplish for you and then put a plan into place to make it happen.
  • Print Design
    Print design is a subset of graphic design where the design is first created digitally then printed out. Print design is mostly used for branding and marketing purposes. Business cards, flyers, and packaging are all part of print design. Print design shouldn’t be confused with printing. Printing is the process of transforming the digital design into hard copy on materials like paper, cards, or boxes. Print design is the design that’s going to be printed on a physical publication.
  • Packaging Design
    If you’re product focused, then your product is the main touchpoint your audience has with your brand. We take that seriously. Our entire design process develops with your packaging at the center, and never as an afterthought. Strategic Direction for packaging involves understanding the people buying your products, and understanding their wants and needs so that we can enhance the overall experience.

You’ll get a beautiful newsletter every two weeks-ish filled with one (1) cat video, a featured tip, trick, or resource we use to make business easier + better, design inspiration, and a studio reflection on topics covering design, branding, the digital world of websites and social media, ethical business, or some combination of those things. We’ll be honest, maybe a little controversial, and probably unfiltered. We’ll also send out free resources once we start making those!

Grazie per l'iscrizione!


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